Relevant Engineering PLLC charlotte NC north carolina provides healthcare electrical engineering lighting arc flash studies analysis assessments selective coordination power distribution systems MEP facility condition curtailment utility peak shaving demand response automation payback ROI electrical




Relevant Engineering is deeply committed to the commercial real estate industry and to offering technical services to support the entire lifecycle of a real estate asset.  Beyond just due diligence assessments, you’ll find multidisciplinary investigations, design, facility management services and much more at RE.  

(Taken from Partners. Re-word it)



Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.



Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.



Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.



Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.




Relevant Engineering is uniquely qualified to design hospital electrical distribution systems that have both reliability through selective coordination and flexibility needed in future renovations.

Each provided service is infused with the different perspectives of designers, architects, contractors, owners, and maintenance staff to achieve greater long-term value while capturing savings both during and after any project.

The design documents and assessments incorporate information to exceed expectations by providing information useful for future facility management. The power system studies provide a printed wall-hung sleeve with the latest system diagrams in the main electrical room of each facility for staff to have the right information.

By overlapping master planning and facility condition assessment concepts with power system studies, the Owner is provided with prioritized issues and risks for each system, including available rated life data to meet today’s NFPA 70E requirements through OSHA regulations.

Additionally, the time spent is focused on what is important by using innovative and practical methods that also maintain quality, such as using generic arc flash labels to have full compliance and capture relative cost savings.

Having both a power systems study and design engineer perspective reviewing equipment shop drawings prior to manufacturing can result in immediate savings and elimination of risk that can pay for the cost of performing a power systems study on a project.